Cuyahoga County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) information.

Emergency Coordinator
Chuck Mehozonek K8CVM

Assistant Emergency Coordinators
Mat Nickoson KC8NZJ
Tom Cramer N8AGM
Ron Hollas K8RJH
Steve Spisak K8SAS
Carl Gedeon KB8VXE

Cuyahoga County ARES holds meetings every month of the year with the exception of November and December. Meetings are held the THIRD Tuesday of each month in the meeting room at the Helwig Whistle Stop 599 West Bagley Rd. Berea, OH. Meetings will be held from 7 PM to 9 PM. Check the Event Calendar page for details. Meetings will be shifted when they conflict with holidays or events so please pay attention to the date on the calendar. Meetings are open to all. You do not have to be an ARES member or even a currently licensed amateur radio operator to attend. All interested parties are encouraged.

ARES Nets are held every Tuesday at 8:00 PM with the exception of the third Tuesday when we have our meeting. Nets are held on the 145.410 KB8WLW repeater system. There are no nets during the months of November or December.